Everything has a system. And the cycles are closely alike. For instance in advertising. A concept is made. Advertisers deliberate on what message to deliver and in what medium. The production begins after deliberation. Then it is shown to the consumers. But it doesn't end there. Assessment of the advertisement will determine whether the consumers got the message and were "persuaded" to buy the product being advertised. Afterwhich, a re-production will be made according to the results of the assessment.
The same goes for teaching. The teacher formulates his/her lesson plan considering the students' background, interests, learning-capability, and more. Then he/she chooses what teaching method to use depending on the availability of resources, his/her own capability, and others. He/she would then deliver her lesson based on her lesson plan. Giving a test or quiz after the lesson will assess how much the students' learned from the lesson.
In my future career, being systematic and organized will be important. Resourcefulness will also be a benefit. Using whatever technology available can benefit the teacher and students in many ways. Every teacher desires for her students to learn from her lessons. Knowing that my students are learning will be very satisfying.
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